Following your Fort Meyers breast augmentation procedure, you may be tempted to rush out and immediately pick a new wardrobe. This is completely understandable. You’ve had your breasts enhanced, there’s no reason to hide them.
When it comes to picking new clothes such as swimsuits, make sure you take time to try them on. Your body has changed shape and you may find things that were unavailable to you before now fit you like a glove. You can turn swimsuit shopping into an event, trying on numerous suits and modeling them for your friends to get other’s opinions of what flatters you most.
Things to Remember
Depending on the incision location used in your procedure, some swimsuits may show more of your scars. If this is a concern to you, look for a swimsuit that fully covers the middle and lower portions of your breasts. There are a number of cute options that provide fuller coverage
The placement of your breast implants will also impact the appearance of your swimsuit. If you have had your implants placed above the muscles in your chest, look for a suit that offers more support to help prevent issues such as sagging.
Talk to Dr. Peña about your ultimate aesthetic goals during your initial consultation so he can tailor your procedure to meet your exact needs.
If you are considering breast augmentation in or around Naples, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, or Estero, Florida, please contact Manuel Peña, MD to schedule an initial consultation today.