What Are Fat Injections?
Fat injections use fat as a filler to plump areas of the face, hands and buttocks. Fat injections are a good alternative to dermal fillers used for lip augmentation.
Where Does the Fat Come From?
The fat is taken from the patient’s hips, thighs,or stomach areas. The area(s) chosen are determined by how much fat is available and the quality of the fat?
How Do Fat Injections Compare to Other Fillers?
Other fillers are made from bovine, porcine or other sources of collagen. While most people tolerate these fillers well, a small percentage rejects them. Using fat taken from your body reduces rejection issues.
Fat injections take longer than other filler injections because Bonita Springs Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Peña has to obtain the fat then process it. The additional time is spent doing a short liposuction procedure to collect the needed fat. Processing involves purifying it into a state where it can be injected for contouring your face, hands, or buttocks.
Fat can be transferred in larger volumes than other facial fillers. This is good because your body will reabsorb some of the fat during the healing process. By injecting extra fat your plastic surgeon can compensate for the reabsorption and leave enough to get the look intended.
What Are the Risks Associated With Fat Injections?
Risks associated with fat injections differ primarily because of the additional “invasive” liposuction procedure to obtain the fat. Care must be taken to avoid infection and monitor the healing of two sites rather than just the one being treated.
How Long Do Fat Injections Last?
Because fat can be reabsorbed, the effects may not be lasting. Results have been known to last anywhere from a few weeks to more than a year.* As you age, your skin and muscles will continue to lose tone, and eventually you will outgrow the effects of your treatment.
If you would like to learn more about fat injections and are in the Fort Myers, Naples, Estero, or Bonita Spings, Florida area please contact plastic surgeon Manuel Peña, M.D. to set up a consultation with this knowledgeable and experienced cosmetic surgeon.
*Individual results may vary. Consult with Dr. Peña to see if you are a candidate.confidential and infor